Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I know I talked about Glee in my post My Top 5 TV Shows. However due to a Glee marathon last night with my college roommates, I feel compelled to discuss it again, especially since next Tuesday is the start of the third season.

I don't deny I have a great fondness for Glee. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that it inspired me to join the school a capella group, half hoping that being a apart of this group will allow me to burst into song at any point in the day and not be looked at weirdly for it.
When I tried to do this, the police were called.

However, during the marathon last night, I made a realization. I either hate or are indifferent to 98% of the cast of Glee.

I only like one of these people.
For example, let's look at Rachel Barry. Many people would say that she's a great role model for girls since she knows what she wants in life and isn't afraid to work hard to achieve her goals. Plus she has a healthy amount of self esteem right?
The face of a star

Wrong. She's a self centered, rude, pushy, insensitive, immature little b-....brat. She manipulates everyone around her in her mad clawing dash to the top of the ladder. Everything is about her her her her HER, and she can't conceive ever being wrong. She'll stab you in the back with this sweet little smile and then sulk for days thinking of manipulative ways to get back at you if you DARE do the same to her.
Wouldn't Susan B. Anthony be proud
Example two, Mr. Will Shuester.
As the leader of the glee club, Mr. Shuester works tirelessly to help the children in the glee club rise above their surroundings and survive  the horrible, traumatizing events high school throw at them, ranging from bullying, teen pregnancy, dealing with different sexualities, to illness of family members. Isn't that nice of him? Doesn't he sound like a nice, dependable, stalwart individual?

Sure he is. Except for when he's being a selfish butt-munch. Take the beginning of season 2. Will was such a complete and total obsessive stalker of poor Emma. She clearly wanted to be with that other dude who's name escapes me at the moment, and Will even made a pact with that dentist dude not to try to steal away Emma, but what does will do? He tries to steal Emma away.
Look at the fear in her eyes
 What makes this worse is, HE ALREADY BLEW IT WITH HER. You had you chance shmoozer, you blew it, she doesn't want you, move on. I know divorce can be traumatizing, but my dad is divorced for reasons just as bad as Terri pretending to be pregnant, but he has maintained his dignity.

Also I just don't think he's that attractive. His chin looks like a butt.
Don't try to deny it

Pretty much all the other characters I'm indifferent to. They have their good moments, they have their bad moments, and some of them just don't make much or an impression on me, good or bad, but mainly they're just being stupid teens with their stupid teen drama. And for some reason that amuses me enough to continue watching the show.

I do like Brittany and Sue though. Brittany is such an airhead that everything she says is funny. You just can't help liking her in all her child-like glory. She's sweet and endearing and really doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Everything she does wrong is done because she doesn't understand, not because she's spiteful or selfish. And my god can that girl dance.
As for Sue, i think all of us wants to be like her in someway. She has a freedom to say what she wants when she wants to say it, and says it in a creative, often highly amusing manner. She's portrayed as the vilian, but quite honestly she has her good points and her bad points, and once you learn her back-story you can understand why she is the way she is. She's devious, but in a delightful way, mainly because you don't have to directly deal with her.
I honestly don't know exactly what it is that draws me so strongly to Glee. I tried explaining it in my last review, but it came up short. I think it's more of the idea of being a safe place and yet a place for dreams to come true. You can watch the show from the saftey of your couch, but if you're brave enough, you can audition for Glee and you might just be able to join the cast. It's kind of a nice feeling, don't you think?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nostaliga Critic vs. Nostalgia Chick

Not too long ago, I was introduced to the fact that there was a perfectly marvelous source of entertainment lurking about inter webs. An entertainment that ruined childhood memories, introduced me to others that I had not known of, made me fond of, and then ruined as well. This God among Gods, King of Sarcasam, Guru of Shouting in a High Pitched Squeal, the original That Guy With the Glasses himself... The Nostaligia Critic.
He's the perfect example of internet fame. The man has his own deviant artist, two movies, hundreds of reviews under his belt, a raging fandom, multiple personalities, his own website, his very own page on Cracked, started multiple internet memes, and goes to cons as a guest speaker. He has done more than most people who attempt to be critics of anything.

For example did you know that he has his very own IMdB page? He does. You go ahead and google it, I'll wait.
I have enjoyed all of his reviews, and for good reason. He has an excellent grasp of comedic timing, and enough knowledge of the different aspect of film to prevent the reviews from being nothing more then senseless, self centered ranting. He does indeed "go one step beyond."
Plus he's wonderfully quoteable.

There is only one thing I can think of that I feel the Nostalgia Critic did wrong. He unleashed an unspeakable horror on our world... It started innocently enough in a contest... and ended in this....

"I am so incredibly bratty! Teehee!"
The Nostalgia Chick.

Oh. My. God. I hate her. She not only destroys everything I love, but she does it in such an assanine, self-serving manner! Her first few videos were all right, she actually followed the format that Nostalgia Critic set up, somewhat. However, as she grew more confident in her abilities, she took some artistic liberties.  Such as using the reviews as a podium for all her friends to get a few minutes of fame.

Yes, I know that Nostalgia Critic does that too, but he does it relatively sparingly. It seems that Nostalgia Chick can't go a single review without pulling up one or more of her back up dancers.

Also, she does not actually go through the movies and shows properly. She just throws little clips at you, and then whines about how historically inaccurate it is, how anti-feminist it is, or starts something and turns it into something else.
"I can do whatever I want cause I'm famous bitches!"

Now, to be fair, I did like the double review she and Nostalgia Critic did of Fern Gully. And her musical reviews have certainly been informative.  I might like her better if she say... stuck to musicals, and I admit to being extremely annoyed at most of today's feminists who really haven't suffered through anything that bad. But she is tied to the Nostaligic name and as such, I just don't think she is up to snuff. Change her to Musical Chick or something like that, but don't tie her in with the Nostalgia Critic. In my humble opinion, they simply are not in the same league.

Plus I like Arwen, and Nostalgia Chick ruined her in Suburban Knights. In an un-funny way.
See, you made her cry