Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why Men Cannot Ride Horses

So I recently had my first riding lesson, and was thrown into the idea of the horse "trotting." So if you're new to the idea, as I sort of was, it's the speed between the horse walking and the horse running. And this led me to an amusing little revelation.
It really hurts.
I'm a cute leetle horsey!

And those furry, little bastards enjoy doing it to you, I'm pretty sure. I swear the horse I was on was doing it on purpose.

See, what you're supposed to do to prevent this pain is to "post" which basically means "lift your butt out of the saddle in a rhythmic way so it doesn't get pounded into the saddle every two seconds".... which sounds way creepier than what I meant... Moving on!
Such a majestic beast...

Anyway this takes more leg strength that a nerd like me possesses, so by the time this half hour lesson stopped, I was pretty well beaten up and had the bruises to prove it. With no thanks to the horse, i might add. I'm positive it was changing it's speed up just to mess with me, knowing that I had no experience and only signed up for riding classes in the first place because I wanted to ride a horse while listening to the LOTR sound track on my iPod and pretend I'm a Nazgul.

Don't judge me
That being said, now that my loins, groin, and buttocks have recovered from that ordeal, am I giving up this fruitless endeavor?

Heck no! I will chase down little hobbitsses yet! To the Shire!

God I'm a nerd.

Anyway, this has brought me to the revelation that it makes perfect sense why cowboys have those nice comfy saddles and why jockeys are tiny pre-pubescent boys who ride squatting above the saddle. A horribly horribly graphically clear revelation.

Only the Castrati are men enough to ride horses properly.
 Click it I dare you.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Top Five TV Shows

I don't watch a whole lot of TV and I'm very picky about the ones I do like. Even if I do like a show, it's unlikely that I'll go all drooling fan over it. So I decided to give a list of my top five and one honorable mention. So without further ado, I present my top 5 TV shows.

Honorable Mention: Supernatural

Great actors, great action, great monsters... Why is it only an honorable mention then?
Because I only like the first few seasons with drooling adoration. Sammy got a little too whiny and emo for me, but I still love it and watch it whenever I can!
Dean is awesome enough to make up for the whining

5. Glee

I think this is the only popular show that is a musical at the same time. Oddly enough, I find the majority of the characters annoying in some way or another. *coughRachelcough*
Yeah you go ahead and cry Miss Rubber-Band  Mouth

But the music is lovely and the story lines are addictive.
You love them together, admit it
 Also watching Glee gives me valuable input on the workings of a typical high school. I wish I had access to this beautiful high school experiences of being able to sing in halls at the top of my lungs without getting weird looks, but sadly I spent my life hunting down the ever elusive Peruvian Gunga Snake through the wilds of South America and completely missed out on such miraculous life experiences.
Just kidding, it was for Bigfoot

4. Big Bang Theory

Nerd Jokes! Nerd jokes everywhere! Since my dad is an engineer, I actually understand a lot of what's going on in even the super nerdy quantum physics way. It makes it even more awesome.
I confess I love this show namely for Sheldon. He's so amazingly awkward. The perfect blend of human, alien, genius, man child, and germaphobe.

This look perfectly normal to me

How about the ball pit?

Pop goes the weasel

It's also very awesome to 'bazinga' someone.

Brain zapping is good too

I personally maintain that Sheldon actually has a thing for Penny whether or not he realizes it and they will end up together.

Awww that's not awkward at all

Howard and Raj are kind of adorable too.

In a wussy way

3. Friends
 Its a classic. Need I say more? this is the romantic sitcom that I think all are measured up to and that everyone has watched. Yes even you dudes have seen at least a few episodes, admit it. I keep watching it over and over again and never get tired of it.
Admit it, you've measured your group of friends against the 6 to see who matches who.
Apparently I'm Phoebe

 2. Scrubs

I'm not very fond of doctors as a rule. They tend to disappoint me, steal my blood, and pretend to know what they're doing. Imagining that it's JD trying to figure out what's wrong with me makes me feel a little more kindly to them when they mess up.
You can't be mad at those faces

In all seriousness though, Scrubs in one of those shows with the perfect blend of comedy and seriousness. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, and each character is as beloved as the last.
And so fun to quote!

Also please note, I don't count the 9th season. It's not the same show in the slightest. Not that it's not amusing, but it's not the same show.
Look at those smug little brats

1. How I Met Your Mother

I absolutely love love LOVE How I Met Your Mother. I also love Barney and Robin as a couple, just sayin.

It's both the funniest and most heartfelt show I have ever seen. The comedy moments are hilarious and the touching moments always have made me start crying. The characters are all loveable and likeable and relatable to some point. You really care about what happens to them and feel each heartache and joy they go through.

I have never seen such an intricate show. There is an amazing amount of detail that's woven into every single episode. If they ever cancel this show before we find out who Ted ends up marrying, there's an immense amount of hard work and planning that will be lost. You can't fully appreciate how much detail there is until you have a marathon of the episodes.
Best. TV. Show. Ever.

An Introduction

We all want to be famous don't we? Everyone struggles with the ideas that they aren't important, unknown, and don't matter; that they won't make a difference and won't be remembered.

That's why blogs exist right? A grasp at the idea that we might become known through what we have to offer through words.

It's extremely easy to do nowadays too. I mean look at Justin Bieber. He's famous because he posted things on YouTube and someone with power found it and liked it. There's always this small chance that someone will think you're incredible and before you know it you'll have a contract and be making millions.
Yes Justin, you're being mentioned just for the search hits

Now I don't want anyone to think that I'm being a hypocrite. I struggle with these ideas and desires myself.  I would love to be famous and rich, especially through just being myself. I personally want to be a model and or a singer. The chances of that happening are pretty low though, unless I get extremely lucky.
Luck: It tastes like Delicious Cake

So I'm just going to have fun with this. I'm just going to talk about whatever I'm thinking of, tell you all about things that happened to me or things that I found out that I find interesting.

Basically, a blog like any other.

Except it's mine. Which makes a world of difference to me, though probably not to anyone else.

This first post might be a little more... moody.. than what I'll try to usually type, but I'm in a contemplative mood and just wanted to say a few things.

I promise the next one will be more fun!